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4YP can be commissioned or spot-purchased by schools, colleges, local authorities, town or parish councils, parents, or other independent organisations and charities to design and run programs to address particular requirements, which could include career advice and guidance, 1:1 or group mentoring programs, or youth work.

For example

If you require any bespoke services, contact

“It helped me learn not to let bullying get to me”.

“I made friends”

“It was good to have fun together as a group and learn about each other.”

“Every session was great and I loved the activities”.

“It was good just talking and having people that I can relate to.”

“I think I am much more confident, and I really liked the sessions thank you!”

“Thank you for helping me – I feel happier and more accepting of myself.”

“Thank you for being there for me and providing a place to talk about our problems and feel safe.”

“I have enjoyed coming to the youth club every week. It gives me something to look forward to and provides a place where me and my mates can come and play games, eat and have fun”

Bespoke Project Testimonials

Lidlington Youth Club

Scored – 10/10 “Genuinely think that between the assembly and this careers guidance session it has been the most helpful advice about my options, I’ve ever received”

Careers Enterprise Company Careers Guidance

I have enjoyed coming to the youth club every week. It gives me something to look forward to and provides a place where me and my mates can come and play games, eat and have fun

Lidlington Youth Club Role/Company

I have not been going school for a long time now, so youth club is really important to me.  I feel less anxious and more relaxed here.

Lidlington Youth Club Role/Company

I wanted to take the chance to thank you and your team for helping to improve our Not Known figures over the past few months.  Gareth has also asked me to pass on his thanks. When we finalised our February statistics recently, the very good news is that we had less than 10% of the cohort Not Known.  As a new service, it’s the first time we have achieved this, so it is a key milestone for us.

Children’s Services Directorate Buckinghamshire Council Helen Lee, CCIS Manager

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