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Career-related learning and 1:1 personal career guidance are provided in schools that commission our support.

We offer bespoke programs to meet the school’s requirements, which may include advice and consultancy to meet Gatsby benchmarks, 1:1 student career guidance, career-related learning and workshops, and work experience. All advisers are qualified to a minimum of Level 6 as per the statutory legislation, and 4YP is a member of the Careers Development Institute ‘and is proud to work within the CDI’s code of ethics. Read more here about how our Career Coaches work.

4YP is currently providing career services in many schools in Bedford, Central Bedfordshire, and beyond, including mainstream, alternative provisions, and independent schools.

For more information, please contact Rose:

Are you a Career Development professional in the South East Midlands Career Hub area?

4YP is partnering with the SEMLEP Careers Hub to offer local Career Advisers with termly networking and professional development sessions.

For more information, please contact Rose at

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