4YP has experience of delivering 1:1 and group mentoring both in schools and the community, depending on the needs.
Mentoring is tailored to meet the individual’s needs, and outcomes include raised aspirations, increased confidence, improved school attendance, improved behaviour at home and in school, improved relationships with family, peers, and authority figures, and happier young people!

1:1 Emotional Wellbeing Mentoring (available in schools in Bedford Borough)
4YP offers emotional wellbeing mentoring for young people in Bedford schools who are experiencing a difficult time. This project is commissioned by Bedford Borough Council and provides young people with the opportunity to speak to a mentor about a number of concerns, usually on a weekly basis. Mentors act as positive role models, listen, support, challenge where appropriate, and advocate for the young person on personal, school, and other issues.
To refer a young person for mentoring, speak to their school or any professionals supporting them to complete an Early Help Assessment form.
For further information contact us at info@4ypuk.com
Interested in volunteering to be an Emotional Wellbeing mentor?
“We have definitely seen a difference in T over the last term, he seems far happier and more likely to engage positively with staff and peers (this has also been noticed by his form tutor). T also seems to be far more focused than before, which is promising in the lead up to his exams in the summer.”
“It has been really helpful to have someone to talk to that was independent from school and family. It was great to be able to bring anything and everything to the sessions and just to be able to talk. I feel lighter now at the end of the sessions than I did at the start. I think this will remain even after the sessions have stopped and I would definitely recommend the sessions to others.”
“L loved the sessions and would usually come home and would talk about what they did during their sessions with A. A was really approachable and L got on really well with her, and parents are really happy with the outcomes. Mum shared that L has all her creations they made during sessions, like a glitter jar or stickers, displayed in her room. We are very happy with your sessions and L really enjoyed them too!”
“Parents are delighted with the impact you have had on him and have requested this to continue next year as they anticipate a wobble as he ventures into GCSE learning.”
“I think these sessions have helped me with my attitude in school and over all my behaviour around others. My favourite part of the sessions is the games afterwards and how most of the time I beat Graham in card games. I think I have grown up a lot thanks to these sessions.”

Career Mentoring
4YP is working with a local organisation, Bedford Giving, to link young people with career mentors from the local business community to raise aspirations, expand horizons, increase awareness of the world of work, increase employability, set goals, and tackle any issues holding them back. This is currently available at Bedford Academy and Kempston Academy, but it is hoped to be extended to other schools soon!
For more information, please email us at info@4ypuk.com
Interested in volunteering as a Careers Mentor? Please register your interest here: https://bedfordgiving.org.uk/mentor/

Mentoring – general (1:1 or group)
Mentoring is something that we at 4YP really value and see the benefit of. If you would like to commission 4YP for a mentoring project, whether this is group or 1:1, please email us at info@4ypuk.com to talk through your requirements, and we can design a tailor-made package to meet your needs.
“One thing I like about the group is that I learn how to deal with things and that if I have a problem I could talk about it.”
Building Resilience Program ‘Bend Don’t Break’.
A resilience programme designed by 4YP and delivered in school over 10 weeks to build on a range of skills including problem solving, awareness of strengths and qualities, resourcefulness, setting and achieving goals, managing emotions, and taking control of your future.
If you are interested in finding out more or commissioning us for a similar project, please email us at info@4ypuk.com